Learning but not really enjoying

Lack of sleep can be really an issue. Fortunately, I saved the day.

One thing about writing is that now can structure a style. I become sensible to syntaxes and phrases structure. The writing is something to be learned.

I think that choosing people that I like to read and scanning their structure can be helpful.

What I’m doing is good. A great exercise. Forcing myself to write things. At least I get to learn how make my own writing voice boring to myself. The only thing that maybe I’m not enjoying is that feeling of missing out. I haven’t read any inspiring text or even heard it. Just one thing. Yes it is getting. But I feel that giving the next 4 days to this can be wasteful.

Am I learning something.? Yes I’m learning how to not get bored of my writing. Am I enjoying it ? I Don’t think so. Am I going to be proud of what I’m building in 10 years? I don’t think so neither. I’m just doing this just to make sure for once that things really need to be enjoyed otherwise there is no point.

Time will say. But if I keep jumping from exciting project to another I will not get anything done. Maybe it’s OK. But I feel I am still in the process of trying different things to find the real stuff that I truly enjoy. I have to think about I progressed with this approach, sometime.

Otherwise I truly poured my mind last night at 4 am. It was like a waterfall. It’s way more enjoyable when you tell a story you saw and are still excited about it. Or maybe just not self conscious about it.

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