Done and inevitable signs to decide on what matters

It’s done. Look not only I feel good about accomplishing some shit, finally. But what’s much more comforting, is that I read 5 min ago about a life-extension research, which is serious and that I trust, and i found a silly spelling mistake:

"thats right DMT that occurs naturally in the body"

How do you want me to feel? If a bunch of americans can pass on such a spelling mistake, while I fight, and burn my blood – as they say here – to make sure the uppercases are correct on my stupid book.

Undoubtely content is king. No what how you say it. If the story of what’s you’re writing is despicable, well you can’t do anything about to make it readable. It’s still bullshit. But it says about me and the "horribility" of making a "fautes d’orthographe" in French. Between French and English, one of these languages is dying. Guess which one. Exactly…the one that is stressed about "les fautes d’orthographe". No surprise really.

I also passed by Exo bars, cricket flour bars. It’s a sign. I need to see what this is about. the only advantage I have. Is that will be scratching my own itch and the infinite – I imagine – excitement of working on this.

Nice relaxation. It doesn’t have to end tomorrow. but I will wake working on something else.

After a series of 10 days. Not bad after all. Better than a month on each fucking thing that passes through my mind.